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Fisher JA, Walker RL (2019) Advancing Ethics and Policy for Healthy-Volunteer Research through a Model-Organism Framework. Ethics & Human Research 41 (1): 4-14.

MacKay D, Walker RL (2021) Paying for Fairness? Incentives and Fair Subject Selection. American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3): 35-37.

Walker RL, Cottingham MD,  Fisher JA (2018) Serial Participation and the Ethics of Phase 1 Healthy Volunteer Research. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (1): 83-114.

Walker RL, MacKay D, Waltz M, Lyerly AD, Fisher JA (2022) Ethical Criteria for Improved Human Subject Protections in Phase I Healthy Volunteer Trials. Ethics & Human Research 44 (5): 2-21.

Walker RL, Saylor KW, Waltz M, Fisher JA (2022) Translational Science: A Survey of US Biomedical Researchers’ Perspectives and Practices. Lab Animal 51 (1): 22-35.

Waltz M, Fisher JA, Lyerly AD, Walker RL (2021) Evaluating the National Institutes of Health’s Sex as a Biological Variable Policy: Conflicting Accounts from the Front Lines of Animal Research. Journal of Women’s Health 30 (3): 348-354.

Waltz M, Fisher JA, Walker RL (2023) Mission Creep or Mission Lapse? Scientific Review in Research Oversight. AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (1): 38-49.

Waltz M, Lyerly AD, Fisher JA (2023) Exclusion of Women from Phase I Trials: Perspectives from Investigators and Research Oversight Officials. Ethics & Human Research 45 (6): 19-30.

Waltz M, Saylor KW, Fisher JA, Walker RL (2021) Biomedical Researchers’ Perceptions of the NIH’s Sex as a Biological Variable Policy for Animal Research: Results from a U.S. National Survey. Journal of Women’s Health 30 (10): 1395-1405.


Cottingham MD, Fisher JA (2016) Risk and Emotion Among Healthy Volunteers in Clinical TrialsSocial Psychology Quarterly 79 (3): 222-242.

Cottingham MD, Fisher JA (2017) From Fantasy to Reality: Managing Biomedical Risk Emotion in and through Fictional MediaHealth, Risk, and Society 19 (5-6): 284-300.

Cottingham MD, Fisher JA (2022) Gendered Logics of Biomedical Research: Women in U.S. Phase I Clinical Trials. Social Problems 69 (2): 492-509.

Cottingham MD, Kalbaugh JM, Swezey T, Fisher JA (2018) Exceptional Risk: Healthy Volunteers’ Perceptions of HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 79: S30-S36.

Edelblute HB, Fisher JA (2015) Using ‘Clinical Trial Diaries’ to Track Patterns of Participation for Serial Healthy Volunteers in U.S. Phase I StudiesJournal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 10 (1): 65-75.

Fisher JA (2019) Commentary on Zvonareva et al.: Exploring the Many Meanings of “Professional” in Research Participation. Clinical Trials 16 (6): 571-573.

Fisher JA, McManus L, Cottingham MD, Kalbaugh JM, Wood MW, Monahan T, Walker RL (2018) Healthy Volunteers’ Perceptions of Risk in U.S. Phase I Clinical Trials: A Mixed-Methods Study. PLOS Medicine 15 (11): e1002698.

Fisher JA, McManus L, Kalbaugh JM, Walker RL (2021) Phase I Trial Compensation: How Much Do Healthy Volunteers Actually Earn from Clinical Trial Enrollment? Clinical Trials 18 (4): 477-487.

Fisher JA, McManus L, Wood MW, Cottingham MD, Kalbaugh JM, Monahan T, Walker RL (2018) Healthy Volunteers’ Perceptions of the Benefits of their Participation in Phase I Clinical Trials. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 13 (5): 494-510.

Fisher JA, Monahan T (2023) Mutual Emotional Labor as Method: Building Connections of Care in Qualitative Research. The Qualitative Report 28 (11): 3192-3212.

Fisher JA, Monahan T, Walker RL (2019) Picking and Choosing Among Phase I Trials: A Qualitative Examination of How Healthy Volunteers Understand Study Risks. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4): 535-549.

Fisher JA, Wood MM, Monahan T (2021) Speculating on Precarious Income: Finance Cultures and the Risky Strategies of Healthy Volunteers in Clinical Drug Trials. Journal of Cultural Economy 14 (4): 464-484.

Jain N, Cottingham MD, Fisher JA (2020) Disadvantaged, Outnumbered, and Discouraged: Women’s Experiences as Healthy Volunteers in U.S. Phase I TrialsCritical Public Health 30 (2): 141-152.

Kalbaugh CA, Kalbaugh JM, McManus L, Fisher JA (2021) Healthy Volunteers in US Phase I Clinical Trials: Sociodemographic Characteristics and Participation Over Time. PLoS ONE 16 (9): e0256994.

McManus L, Davis A, Forcier RL, Fisher JA (2019) Appraising Harm in Phase I Trials: Healthy Volunteers’ Accounts of Adverse EventsJournal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 47 (2): 323-333.

McManus L, Fisher JA (2018) To Report or Not to Report: Exploring Healthy Volunteers’ Rationales for Disclosing Adverse Events in Phase I Drug Trials. AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (2): 82-90.

Monahan T, Fisher JA (2015) “I’m Still a Hustler”: Entrepreneurial Responses to Precarity by Participants in Phase I Clinical TrialsEconomy & Society 44 (4): 545-566.

Monahan T, Fisher JA (2020) Sacrificial Labour: Social Inequality, Identity Work, and the Damaging Pursuit of Elusive FuturesWork, Employment & Society 34 (3): 441-456.

Walker RL, & Fisher JA (2019) “My Body Is One of the Best Commodities”: Exploring the Ethics of Commodification in Phase I Healthy Volunteer Clinical Trials. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29 (4): 305-331.

Waltz M, Davis A, Fisher JA (2023) “Death and Taxes”: Why Financial Compensation for Research Participants is an Economic and Legal Risk. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 51 (2): 413-425.

Williams Q, Fisher JA (2018) Captive to the Clinic: Phase I Clinical Trials as Temporal Total Institutions. Sociological Inquiry 88 (4): 724-748.

Other related publications

Biller-Andorno N, Grimm H, Walker RL (2015) Professionalism and Ethics in Animal Research. Nature Biotechnology 33 (10): 2-3.

Eggel M, Walker RL (2019) Replacement or Reduction of Gene-Edited Animals in Biomedicine: A Comparative Ethics and Policy Analysis. North Carolina Law Review 97 (5): 1241-1271.

Fisher JA (2007) “Ready-to-Recruit” or “Ready-to-Consent” Populations?: Informed Consent and the Limits of Subject AutonomyQualitative Inquiry 13 (6): 875-894.

Fisher JA (2009) Medical Research for Hire: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Fisher JA (2013) Expanding the Frame of ‘Voluntariness’ in Informed Consent: Structural Coercion and the Power of Social and Economic ContextKennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (4): 355-379.

Fisher JA (2015) Feeding and Bleeding: The Institutional Banalization of Risk to Healthy Volunteers in Phase I Pharmaceutical Clinical TrialsScience, Technology, & Human Values 40 (2): 199-226.

Fisher JA (2015) Stopped Hearts, Amputated Toes, and NASA: Contemporary Legends among Healthy Volunteers in US Phase I Clinical TrialsSociology of Health and Illness 37 (1): 127-142.

Fisher JA (2019) Research Payment and Its Social Justice Concerns. American Journal of Bioethics 19 (9): 35-36.

Fisher JA (2020) Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals. New York: New York University Press.

  • Winner of the 2021 Robert K. Merton Book Award, given by the Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association.
  • Winner of the 2022 Donald W. Light Book Award for Applied Medical Sociology, given by the Medical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.

Fisher JA, Kalbaugh CA (2011) Challenging Assumptions About Minority Participation in U.S. Clinical Research. American Journal of Public Health 101 (12): 2217-2222.

Lyerly AD, Little MO, Faden RR (2008) Pregnancy and Clinical Research. Hastings Center Report 38 (6): 52.

Lyerly AD, Robin S, Jaffe EF (2017) Rubella and Zika Vaccine Development—A Cautionary Tale About Caution. JAMA Pediatrics 171 (8): 719-720.

MacKay D (2015) Standard of Care, Institutional Obligations, and Distributive Justice. Bioethics 29 (2): 262-273.

MacKay D (2016) Fair Subject Selection in Clinical Research: Formal Equality of Opportunity. Journal of Medical Ethics 42(10): 672-677.

Monahan T, Fisher JA (2010) Benefits of “Observer Effects”: Lessons from the Field. Qualitative Research 10(3): 357-376.

Monahan T, Fisher JA (2015) Strategies for Obtaining Access to Secretive or Guarded Organizations. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 44 (6): 709-736.

Shields KE, Lyerly AD (2013) Exclusion of Pregnant Women From Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials. Obstetrics & Gynecology 122 (5): 1077-1081.

Walker RL (2006) Human and Animal Subjects of Research: The Moral Significance of Respect versus Welfare. Journal of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (4): 305-331.

Walker RL (2018) Virtue, Vice, and “Voracious” Science: How should we approach the Ethics of Primate Research? Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (1): 130-146.

Walker RL, Eggel M (2020) From Mice to Monkeys? Beyond Orthodox Approaches to the Ethics of Animal Model Choice. Animals 10 (77).

Walker RL (2019) Virtue Ethics and Laboratory Animal Research. Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) Journal 60 (3): 415-423.

Walker RL (2020) The Unfinished Business of Respect for Autonomy: Persons, Relationships, and Animals. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (4-5): 521-39.